It serves two purposes for the price of one! The cool thing, about some of these options we are going to talk about today, is that some of you parents can actually ride them too. If your 12 year old is a little small for their age, please consider these cars for 11 year olds, or even electric cars for 10 year olds to drive. Why not add a more grown up, ATV to the mix? It’ll fill some of that need they have to feel like an adult. One thing that is still true to a 12-year-old, is that they still like to have a bit of fun. It’s just all around a very interesting time. They might think, they like to be grown up even though they don’t pay a bill. They might be more apt to speak their mind and be a little defiant. At times it may drive both you and them up the wall. There may be a world of personalities, dramas, attitudes and all over the place thinking. It’s all exciting and frustrating at the same time.